
IT-Tool is a lightweight tool that can perform actions and, more specifically, assist during testing and troubleshooting. Originally meant as a tool to find information in large log files, it is now expanded with functions and commands to send and receive web requests, handle File I/O, perform calculations and many more!

IT-Tool uses a script language to perform different kind of actions. The code is written in text files and can be changed on the fly, no compilation is required.
For example, the code line “Output = XMLAlign(Input)” will return XML input back to the text field, only now properly aligned.


It is also possible to add styles and images to the text field. Also menus and toolbars can be added via a simple XML file.

And not to forget, custom input and output screens can be made with some XML settings. Download the programs, examples and manuals when you want to start using IT-Tool. But don’t forget to check the Tips and Tricks section as well…











Version 4.4, 2023-06-01
Download the zip files and extract the contents... No install required! (Before extracting, make sure the zip file is unblocked via File explorer, rightclick, properties.)

32 and 64 bits are available. Note that 64 bits does not contain all addon's.

From v3.9, it is required to have .Net framework v4.7.2 installed IT-Tool also makes use of Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Common Controls. On most computers with windows 7 and higher, these components are installed already. If not, they can be downloaded and installed via the Microsoft webpage.

From v3.8, the AddonDB and AddonMongoDB uses extra resources (but have more capabilities!).

File Size Last Modified
Demo & Examples 479.58 KB Feb 26th 2022 at 3:15pm 9.74 MB May 14th 2023 at 1:29pm 9.27 MB May 14th 2023 at 1:29pm