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29 entries.
Janusz wrote on November 15, 2020 at 17:42
Great article, just bought a second-hand device Olive 03HD. I would like to replace the disk and after initiate recovery mode but there is a big problem. Links you provided in pdf ODBInstall.tar.gz & RecoveryCD.img do not exist on the servers. Where can I download them from another location or ask for links to new servers ? Thank you in advance.
Reply by: Gert-jan Succes, best regards.
james swarbrik wrote on August 25, 2020 at 04:00
Hi Gert-Jan I tried to do a restore with the image file you had for a 03HD as it lost all connection to the albums - even though they were there when I ssh in. I did a restore and get the error "can't find html4.css make sure env variable KDEDIR is set correctly or you execute the binary in the correct path. In the KDEDIR points to or in the dir the executable is located there has to be the file share/apps/khtml/css/html4.css" ... is there anyway I can e.g. ssh in at this stage and see if the file is there and set the env variable - it looks like I can't - any tips would be great. Otherwise it's a brick.
Reply by: Gert-jan
James was advised to reformat the hard disk via an external computer and try again on the install. This helped since the partitions were correctly created after that. Unfortunately, the music was gone... That is the reason that I rip my music from CD's on a computer and store the music on a separate server and hard disk (in both MP3 and FLAC).
David Parkin wrote on August 2, 2020 at 07:28
Well, I was about to invest in a second hand Olive 03HD. Looking at your site has firmly put me off spending money on the device!
Reply by: Gert-jan
Wise decision!
Michał wrote on January 17, 2020 at 09:23
Hello I have a request you can dump bios for olive04hd Firmware 3.0. ? I read the guide and I can't upload the software I did different ways I still have a frozen display "System starting up Please wait" You know who has firmware? Best Regards Michal
Reply by: Gert-jan
Firmware v3.0 is not something to be downloaded. It is either part of the latest software or something external, beyond my reach. Please use the AV forum for these kind of questions. But in this case, if you are sure that you did everyting right and the Olive cannot be put in the update mode, then the unit is probably broken for good. Even if the update does not work, you should be able to let the unit ask for updates. You are not the first and probably not the last...
Andrea RICCI wrote on September 23, 2019 at 06:13
Dear Lydo, thanks for the manual, you give me and many others hope. There's one basic thing which is not clear form the start of the manual. Should the sequence you describe start with a Win PC connected via ethernet to the olive or should we first backup the library on a drive (such a USB drive) and then connect that drive to the PC and run the whole sequence with this set up (disconnected from the real Olive equipment)? I have a second question : by any chance do I understand you're talking about an app (to select and play Olive based music from iOS devices) which is more stable than the lousy one we used to download until recently from the App Store ? Many thanks in advance
Reply by: Gert-jan
The app, I'm referring to is the old app from Olive for Android, not for IOS. For the exporter program, it is technically possible to export directly from the Olive but I would recommend that you use a backup. Then attach the backup to the windows PC (after installing Ext2fds) and then use the program to export all data, as described in the manual.
joerg wrote on June 20, 2019 at 16:56
Hi Gert Jan, I'm desperatly seeking the iOS *ipa app for the Olive One. kind regards Joerg
Reply by: Gert-jan
The IOS App is 32 bits (IOS 12 requires 64 bits) and can not be downloaded from the Appstore anymore. You can download my version from, but you might need a Jailbreak on your telephone. My advice is to use the Safari Browser with the address of the Olive:
Kris wrote on October 19, 2018 at 19:52
Hi, I just bought used Olive 03HD with old „sw version”. Can I upgrade soft now using a file “SWUpgrade.tar” from downloads?
Reply by: Gert-jan
Yes, that is the file to use.
Richard Bott wrote on October 16, 2018 at 15:20
Like many others, my Olive 3HD is frozen at the system start up page. I have found your recovery files/software upgrade but the associated ReadMe text says to put 2 files on the USB stick while your site has 3 (Install, Recovery and Software Upgrade). Which 2 do I use??? Another site says the machine won't accept a USB stick over 1 GB but the ODB Install is 1.72 GB. Thanks!
Reply by: Gert-jan
The small size USB stick is a limitation for the older Olive 2 and 4. For the HD, I think a max size of 4 GB can be used. For recovery of the HD, the ODBInstall and recoveryCD files are required. But then, also an upgrade is possible with the SWUpgrade file. Succes, Gertjan
Bill wrote on July 15, 2018 at 19:41
My O4HD no longer functions -- can't get past the white starting up screen. But I do have an HDD backup. When I look at the files, within the AUDIO LIBRARY folder, besides the CD_xxxx subfolders, there is a subfolder named 'imported' and one named 'moved', also with tracks in them. (I did a bit of editing with MAESTRO to reorder/merge tracks across albums.) Will this cause hiccups in Olive-Backup-Exporter?
Reply by: Gert-jan
No, there should be no problem. The program will check the olive database for the name and location of the flac files. It will then copy that file to another drive with a path like artist\album\tracknumber track.flac Anyway, nothing is done on the olive side, so you can just try it
Roman wrote on July 6, 2018 at 04:10
Hi I have Olive musica device, it worked great about last 10 years and I enjoyed my music until last sunday. Something went wrong with the electric system in my house. After shutdown my Olive musica device doesn't starting. I moved several times for last 10 years and I think I lost the recovery cd. Could you help me in this case? I need the recovery CD for my Olive musica. Can I buy it somewhere or download somewhere. Please help me. Thanks before
Reply by: Gert-jan
Sorry, I do not have the recovery CD for the musica, although I am happy to put it on my site, if I can obtain a copy. You can ask on the forum, but It was recently asked, without any positive answers.